Datantilauspyyntö | Bioimpedanssi

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FFM_4C_MBCA: Fat free mass according to the 4 compartment model

FM_4C_MBCA: Fat mass according to the 4 compartment model

FM_4C_REL_MBCA: Fat mass as part of the body weight

FFMI_4C_MBCA: Fat free mass divided by height

FMI_4C_MBCA: Fat mass divided by height

ZFFMI_4C_MBCA: Z transformation of FFMI as shown in the graph

ZFMI_4C_MBCA: Z transformation of FMI as shown in the graph

PAL: Physical activity level (as entered during measurement)

STOREDENERGY_KCAL: Energy stored in body

REE_KCAL_MUELLER_LIU: Resting energy expenditure according to Muller for caucasians (and to Liu for asians)

TEE_KCAL_MUELLER_LIU: Total energy expenditure according to Muller for caucasians (and to Liu for asians)

REE_KCAL_WHO: Resting energy expenditure according to WHO

TEE_KCAL_WHO: Total energy expenditure according to WHO

SMM_KIM: Sceletal muscle mass according to Kim at al.

RL_LST_MBCA: Lean soft tissue (according to DXA) of the right leg

LL_LST_MBCA: Lean soft tissue (according to DXA) of the left leg

RA_LST_MBCA: Lean soft tissue (according to DXA) of the right arm

LA_LST_MBCA: Lean soft tissue (according to DXA) of the left arm

TBW_MBCA: Total body water

ECW_MBCA: Extracellular body water

HYD_MBCA: ECW / ICW = extracellular body water / intracellular body water

R50RLS: Resistance at 50 kHz of the body. Mean of right side and left side

XC50RLS: Reactance at 50 kHz of the body. Mean of right side and left side

PHI50RLS: Phase angle at 50 kHz of the body. Mean of right side and left side

ZR50RLS_H: Z transformation of R50RLS divided by high, as displayed in the graph

ZXC50RLS_H: Z transformation of XC50RLS divided by high, as displayed in the graph

Paina lopuksi "Lähetä pyyntö" -näppäintä

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